Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Year Overdue

The earliest record on this blog that I found was back in April of 2009, when I first added the progress bars for reading here, and back then I was 18% of the way through The Shadow Rising. By Fall of last year I'd only made it to 67% of the way through the book, then I didn't really pick it up until a few weeks ago after going through all of Harry Potter and I finished the last 33% of the book in just a few weeks. Now I'm excited and motivated and should be able to keep up this pace of faster reading for a while to come. I'm just starting the 5th Wheel of Time book, The Fires of Heaven, and hope to be through its nearly 1,000 pages in the next two months or so. So here's my reading schedule going into the future:
  • WoT 5: The Fires of Heaven
  • 1984
  • WoT 6: Lord of Chaos
  • WoT 7: A Crown of Swords
  • ???
My hope is that I can keep up and finish Fires of Heaven by the end of November and then read 1984 over the holiday season before the end of 2010. Then I'm planning on getting through the rest of Wheel of Time as fast as I can much like I did with Harry Potter. It feels really good to get through a long series like that, and I've already started on WoT so it's definitely something I want to finish!

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