Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Workout 1-28-08

This is workout 15 (or close to it) of January and 2008.

Shoulder Press - 40 lbs x 10
Incline Press - 40 lbs x 10
Bench Press - 40 lbs x 12 (up from x10)

Row - 50 lbs x 10
Bicep Curl - 40 lbs x 10

Butterfly - 50 lbs x 12 (up from 40lbs x 10)
Pull-down - 60 lbs x 10
Tricep Pushdown - 40 lbs x 10

Leg Press - 90 lbs x 12 (up to 90lbs because that's what Becky does, and i felt like a pussy)
Calf Press - 90 lbs x 10 (ditto)

Leg Extension - 40 lbs x 10 (up from 30lbs)
Hamstring curl - 20 lbs x 12
Sit Up x 30 (up from 10 then 20)

Dumbbell Bicep Curls - 25 lbs x 10 (up from 15lbs)

Damn it feels good to be working out.